Nietzsche kNew Nothing

:: Nietzsche kNew Nothing ::

The place to go when you're not in the mood to write a philosophy paper. I especially like the alliterative touch.
:: Welcome to Nietzsche kNew Nothing :: Blog[me]Home | Calling God Collect ::
[::..What makes me Tick Tock..::]
Goodbye Swarthmore, hello world. I'm out of the institution and need work to earn money to pay off loans. :-( I am at a loss on what to really do with my life, although I think I am getting a direction. I also hate the "new" Blogger. It sucks. I hate the new comments, Blogger bar, and dashboard. Google made Blogger suck. I hate you now Google. You truly are evil.
[::..Bad Ass Linkos..::]
:: My Old Web Site
:: My Newer and Barer Web Site ;-)
:: I LOVE this web comic. It's funny, smart, and sadistic.
:: I love hate Google. You should too.
:: Google is Evil!
:: "I went to Swarthmore. Swarth-what?!? (Is that a community college?)"
:: Will I ever get to read my Choose your Own Adventure Story?!?!?
:: I'm sorry Mr. Smith, but the Princess is in another castle. Here's her IP address.
:: Kendra and DJ loves us.
:: Looks like an Inkblot to me
:: Wasn't he in that movie with that girl?
:: You should really get that checked out. I don't think your urine should be blue.
:: Kelsie has a loose urethra and now we know why.
:: The Original. Accept no Imitations.
:: Eastside representing!
:: London Cinema
[::..Building a Blog community one crazy at a time..::]
:: Dax? You know, like the chick who married Worf on DS9 and then died, but is still alive because she's a worm.
:: Yelle's Point of Interest
:: A (Formerly) Flaming Blog for a Flaming Person
:: Lan. She is smart, sexy, and will make you cry.
:: Mike. He's a cunning linguist. No really, he is. Ask him how many languages he knows. He likes that.
:: I learned what nonsequitur meant. Therefore I should go pee.
:: Lwaxana Troi would call him Mr. Woof. We call him Wolf.
:: Get well soon Alexis!
:: I like Matt
:: Get Hit by a Drunk Driver
:: Kill the Frog. Cut her throat. Bash her in.
:: What? Me Wury?
:: Through a Lens Edali
:: Nicole's Bagel
:: Audrey's so called Life
[::..Blogs I read because you're not good enough..::]
:: AZNs Rule!
:: Greg rant? No. Never.
:: You think it's cold in Texas?
:: Melodee and her circus family.
[::..Star Trek..::]
:: You're lame, Wil Wheaton. I hated Wesley, and I hate you.
:: It's Peter David, the guy wrote Imzadi and it's crap sequel. (Heh heh I'm still older than his blog)

:: Friday, November 26, 2004 ::

Curse Lan for her love of online quizzes. I was like 80 % Sag, and I was either the moon or Mercury. I also am a liberal Republican. Here's what number I am, although we all know it's really 13. Oddly enough my soccer numbers was 5 with the Patriots and 13 with the Cubs.

You Are the Investigator


You're independent - and a logical analytical thinker.

You love learning and ideas... and know things no one else does.

Bored by small talk, you refuse to participate in boring conversations.

You are open minded. A visionary. You understand the world and may change it.

Well, stay tuned for some friend news/updates/drama. That means you!

:: Jennifer 11/26/2004 01:59:00 AM [+] ::

:: Thursday, November 25, 2004 ::
Welcome back Lano! I hope the interview went well. Anyway, I've been meaning to post my favourite line from Augusten Burrough's new book Magical Thinking.

"The Schnauzer listens to jazz. I listen to jazz because he likes it, and I have even gone to jazz concerts with him, but truthfully I would rather listen to retarded children pounding on pan lids with wooden spoons."

Amen to that!

I've picked up knitting again. Hello scarves.

Nothing new to report. Happy Dsyfunctional Family Day! a.k.a Thanksgiving. Best joke on King of the Hill. Dale asked John Redcorn if his people celebrated Thanksgiving, and John said that they did. Once. I laughed at that. Well, more holiday gripping for you later.

:: Jennifer 11/25/2004 01:47:00 AM [+] ::

:: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 ::
I wrote this earlier today but didn't have a computer till now.

Sitting in Sams today really brought home the Daria quip of the lines at the gian warehouse store being like those at the fall of Saigon. Man, there were lots of people there. The most interesting was an elderly couple who was leaving with only a gallon of milk, two loaves of bread, and a pineapple in their cart. WHY THE HELL DID YOU COME TO A DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE STORE FOR THAT!?!?!? They could have easily gotten that stuff at H.E.B. and saved lots of time and probably money too. then again, old people are dumb. I think the older we get, the stupider we become.

Anyway, I'm in a Walmart associated store bcasue of my Mom., and FYI I feel dirty. I really don't know if it's worth being a member at Sams. I suppose it is, but still it's fueling the evil machine. Somehow Sams is Walmart without the fancy ad campaigns. I feel that it's condensed evil in large bulk packaging. Speaking of evil, Sams had a sign in front of the entrance that reminded customers that there are 32 days left till Christmas. That's more than a month away! Geez, we get the point that you want us to BUY BUY BUY, but there's still soemthing intrinsically wrong about it.

Oh, I also noticed the nasty types of candy out. I think I've outgrown candy, or the candy companies don't give shit about producing decent sugar. It's probably a little of column A and a little of column B. I wonder if I have a cavity. Damn teeth. Damn dog! Peed on my rug. >:O

:: Jennifer 11/24/2004 12:05:00 PM [+] ::

:: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 ::
After watching Leno tonight, Tim Allen was the guest, it made me think of how safety obsessed our culture has become in the last decade. Tim and Jay were talking about how when they were kids that they had air guns and played with fireworks, that amounted to quarter sticks of dynamite. I remember never wearing helmets or watching my brothers shoot each other with staple guns, BB guns, and blow shit up with M-80s. Why do we coddle our children now? Wasn't dangerous toys and games a way to weed out the stupid kids? By making the world a safer place are we destroying the genetic integrity of humanity? Survival of the smartest, err... rather those not stupid enough to kill themselves as children. So I say, give your child that dangerous toy for Christmas and let their injuries serve as a warning for not doing stupid shit when they're older. I will probably give my son a BB gun and tell him not to shoot at anything he wouldn't eat. You better believe it that I would make him eat it.

Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. I haven't tried it, but Dr. Pepper already tastes like cherry and vanilla. I wonder if it's like Vanilla Coke and only tastes differet for the first sip.

Thanksgiving is upon us and I love yams, pumkin pie with tons of whipped cream, and ham. Turkey I can go without, but you need a little of it to really be a pointless holiday where the white man "supposedly" ate with the native Americans. Little did they know of small pox infested blankets. It probably would have been to their benefit to let the Pilgrims starve.

And no, I'm not bitter. I'm just enjoying the holidays in the company of me, myself, and I because apparently I'm not fictional enough to be important to some, and others just don't give a damn, but that's okay because it's life and you really can't depend on anyone but yourself. I think I need a vacation...

On a brighter note, Good luck Lan. Kick butt at Drexel and Hawaii. I bet the weather in Hawaii is gorgeous. If you get in there, the natives can't call you a howlee because you're not white. If you get in there I'm coming to visit.

Thought of the day: Don't be fooled by phoneys. Don't be taken in or sympathetic to their false pretenses, no matter how sincere they seem. Remember: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Shame on me indeed...

:: Jennifer 11/23/2004 01:41:00 AM [+] ::

:: Monday, November 22, 2004 ::
I promised Lan that I would update my blog for her, since she's the only one who reads it. I can't believe that you've been eating that many Jelly Bellys. I'm not too big a fan of jelly beans and the range of flavors just scare me. I liked the simple flavors, which were red, purple, green, yellow, white, and pink. You really couldn't call them flavors, so much as colors because they mainly tasted the same and whatever difference was probably just imagined and influenced by the colors. Anyway, It seems that I have made a conscience effort to spell color the American way. I'm sad. I've lost tough with London. ::sigh::

I did have weird dream last night about being in a gas station store and having to wait 2 hours in line or something becuase the cashiers were incompentant fools. I was part of the family in Malcolm in the Middle and I made a threat against the cashier. It was weird, but once we got outside, Ricky and I ran into Mrs. Etheridge and we were in Memphis. It was so weird. Speaking of weird, I had another dream where I was in Russia with Ricky and we went to the Kremlin, but it turns out that it was really a reality tv show starring the Donald. It was a cross between The Apprentice and a dating show. It was weird because trump called us into a bar and announce the winners. The second prize was a couple of million dollars, and it seems that we all belonged to a category. I was in the "New comers" category with this girl I didn't like. So, in short the Donald starting talking about the qualities he was looking for, and apparently there was some poker game that gave away details of what we were suppose to do next, and I didn't go to it. Anyway, he started talking about integrity or something and then grabbed my hand and started holding it and looked into my eyes and said, "That's why I've chosen you Jennifer. And we will begin a 50 day cruise around the world starting immediatly." That was weird. I think I won fifty million dollars, but I'd also won Donald Trump's heart. Yeah... I don't even like Donald Trump and I hate the Apprentice. Weird huh?

Christmas is over a month away, but everyone is geared up for X-mas. The X stands for eXcessive. I really hate the commercialism and materialism of America, or rather the world. Don't get me wrong, I love gifts, but I feel wrong about the direction the world is moving. I was watching a programme on PBS on Walmart and how it's evil and ruining America. Walmart does 20 billion dollars of trade with China alone. Do you know how many American jobs are lost because Walmart is going to China for cheap, REALY CHEAP ASS, goods? The economists were saying how it's the new capitalism. Cheap goods for cheap prices. What ever happened to quality and workmanship? Anyway, it seems that our future is cheap crap goods. Pretty soon that's all we could afford anyway when we lose our jobs to foriegn markets and have to buy the cheap shit Walmart makes with the crap ass Walmart jobs that are created. They don't offer decent, if any benefits and the pay is comparable to McDonald's. Anyway, in short I think we should boycott Walmart. Is it worth saving a couple of dollars on some shit ass cheap TV set then to spend the extra buck or two and buy from American companies.


The secret of Walmart's low prices is cheap goods from foreign companies. The "name brands" at Walmart aren't up to par with the normal name brand standards. The reason that Sony TV is cheaper at Walmart is because Walmart goes to Sony and tells them they want a TV set to cost X dollars and it's Sony's job to match that price with a good. Thus you get a Sony TV, but the materials in it are cheaper. In short Walmart is crap.

Speaking of China... China does 120 billion dollars of trade with the U.S. every year, mostly in consumer goods, electronics, etc. On the flip side, the U.S. does roughly 3-5 billion in trade with China, mostly in raw materials to make those consumer goods. See a problem? Yeah, well it won't get better because the Chinese will never be able to buy consumer goods that are created in the U.S. because their currency is so devalued and let's face it they don't really get paid on par with anyone in the world, especially the U.S. What can be done? I don't know. We can't very well ban China because where would we get all those cheap plastic toys? but I guess we could reduce the trade and seeing how Walmart does 20 billion in trade annually... get my drift?

Well, that concludes the rant of the day. Tomorrow we shall discuss the point of Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. What's the point of it?

On a side note, I think that Glide dental floss has decreased in quality since Crest put it's name on it. Also save your money because mint flavored Crest Glide is not different from normal Glide. No minty flavor here. I do wonder what the premium Crest Glide is like. Probably not that different and not worth the extra money.

P.S. I tried to post this earlier, but Blogger was being an ass.

:: Jennifer 11/22/2004 01:09:00 AM [+] ::

:: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 ::
I finally figured out the mystery of the missing scenes in Blazing Saddles. I bought the 30th anniversy DVD and it had additonal scenes. The missing scenes that I always thought were in the movie. Why did I think this? Well, apparently when they showed Blazing Saddles on television, they added in those additional scenes, and since I first saw the movie on TC, I always thought those scenes were part of the movie.

Anyway, onto what I've been doing... I've been reading a lot and I have a book reccomendation. The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. It is a good read. Good story and plot development. I liked it. Kind of a chick book, but not all that alienating to the male audience. The most disappointing books I've read. Brick Lane By Monica Ali. Bad prose and story idea was okay, but not developed properly. I read it because it reminded me of London. I also read Magical Thinking and Dry by Augusten Burroughs (Running With Scissors). Entertaining reads. Reminissant of David Sedaris, but a little more conceited. Go figure, they're essential diaries of a gay man. Sedaris' writing is a little more polished, but I liked reading Burroughs. Speaking of Sedaris, I read Barrel Fever and Christmas on Ice they were okay, but not up to par with with his later works. I am currently reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. So far it's okay, but I have about 400 pages more to go, so I'll let you know on that one.

This weekend is the last for Ren Fair, but we probably won't go again. Druck's play is this weekend too. I'm interested to see a one hour version of Hamlet.

Well, it's King of the Hill time. I love that show.

:: Jennifer 11/10/2004 05:03:00 PM [+] ::